While our focus is ministerial, the methods of our ministering are often hands on and practical, much like Mr. Miyagi’s training of Daniel in the Karate Kid. That leads to a rich ranch life full of opportunities to serve, learn and grow for those who make Grace Ranch home and visitors alike.
As a working ranch we have horses, goats, sheep, rabbits and chickens as well as fruit and vegetable gardens and a greenhouse. Our high Chihuahuan Desert location is beautiful, but it does present challenges, including: scarce water, alkaline soil, extraordinary heat, strong winds, freezing temperatures, violent storms, hungry varmints and pests galore. Overcoming those challenges to produce a significant portion of our food needs on-site is one of our goals. With a well, multiple stock ponds, over 200 acres and a dedicated crew we are well on our way to meeting that goal.
With our constantly expanding operations, we are regularly engaged in some level of construction. Sometimes we do everything ourselves, like when we used our compressed earth brick making machine to build our power house or when we built the camp kitchen and various cabins. Other times we have leaned on others to deliver pre-built or quickly erected structures, including a number of conexes. Every way we do it, practical lessons are learned by all which we are glad to share. Moreover, as much of the ranch is off grid, we have years of experience working with solar, wind, diesel and gas powered electric generation in diverse applications.
Such activities, coupled with the maintenance of our diverse operations, feeding of our crew, teaching of our children and enjoying our beautiful natural setting makes life at Grace Ranch quite the interesting mix. While we support and minister to one another every day, our focus is not inward, but outward. On a daily basis we are directly sharing the lessons we have learned, from both our successes and our failures, with people all over the globe. Some come here to visit, others may phone or Skype us and untold others watch, listen or read the practical, down to earth messages of hope that the Lord has us share online. If you are interested in learning more about our activities, perhaps sharing some insights you think may help us or possibly visiting please contact us.