First Round of Preaching Completed at Elijah’s School for the Prophets
By: Steven H. Atherton
This past Sunday, our students completed their first round of sharing the preaching duties at Grace Chapel. I believe everyone (i.e. both students and congregants) has been blessed by the experience. There is nothing like seeing the Lord work in and through people to minister to increase the faith of all. If you missed those services you can listen to them here as well as the messages the Lord has given me to preach each Wednesday evening.
Thus far we have been splitting the preaching duties between three students at a time. We will continue that program for another six weeks until all of our students have had the opportunity to preach three times. That should give everyone sufficient time to at least begin to get their feet under them as preachers. Thereafter, we plan to divide the preaching duties between two students at a time. This will give each student an opportunity to carry a larger portion of the preaching duties. Stay tuned for updates.
On other fronts, having completed our study of the Seven Steps to Walking in the Prosperity of the Lord message that Brother Davy preached last week, we are now turning our attention to his prophecies concerning the Watchman Called of Man and the Watchman Called of God as described in Ezekiel 33. These are important messages in learning the ways of the Lord. If you would like to follow along with us, you can read the two prophecies here. I hope you will join us. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us as we are here to serve!