For by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war: and in multitude of counsellors there is safety. Proverbs 24:6
Grace Ranch has been a safe place for me. My children and I stayed at Grace Ranch for a few months in 2011-2012, during a difficult time. Some things needed to be sorted out within myself, to be able to move forward in the Lord. I didn’t see it for that at the time. Having no funds myself to make the trip the Lord provided. I also, previous to making that trip couldn’t drive for more than a couple hours without falling asleep. The Lord strengthened me and I was able to make the 1600 mile trip. When I arrived, not having any other bond with the people besides the bond of Jesus, I was accepted and loved beyond what I could have ever expected. My children and I never lacked anything. We were housed, kept fat and happy, both physically and spiritually, and loved as if we had been a part of this family our entire lives.
Things arose within myself that I thought were long gone and were only things I used to desire. Things that would have been detrimental to my marriage and who knows what else. I won’t go into details but, I believe that if I had not been at Grace Ranch at that time where the counsel of the Lord is, I would have made an enormous mistake. Being there, in the presence of the Lord, taking heed to those He has given me as authorities/gifts, was life saving, changing and giving for myself and I hope it is or will be the testimony of the rest of my family as well. It is family, a family where we are accepted not because of what we do, who we know, what we have to offer, or how entertaining we are. We are accepted because of Jesus. That is it! No where else have I found that kind of acceptance. I am a base thing, who has been rejected by most because I have nothing to offer and I don’t fit in, I praise God for that! He has a place for me and all others who are willing to receive it! Hallelujah!!